Chamisul Fresh Soju Jinro 17%
Chamisul Fresh Soju Jinro 17%

Chamisul Fresh Soju Jinro 17%

CODE: 836353
Volume: 360mL

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Chamisul Fresh Soju Jinro 17% is a Korean alcoholic beverage made from rice and grains. It is a popular and widely consumed spirit in Korea. The spirit has a delicate and subtle taste and is best enjoyed neat without any mixers or accompaniments. It is smooth and mellow on the pallet and has a light and refreshing aftertaste. It contains around 17% alcohol content which makes it a strong but very drinkable spirit. The traditional way of drinking it is downing it in one shot and it is perfect for a quick buzz. It is also commonly used as a base in cocktails to add complexity and depth of flavor to drinks. With its smooth and well balanced taste Chamisul Fresh Soju Jinro 17% is the perfect companion for an evening with friends and family.

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