Elijah Craig Small Batch Bourbon 750ml
Elijah Craig Small Batch Bourbon 750ml

Elijah Craig Small Batch Bourbon 750ml

CODE: 547729
Volume: 750ML

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Elijah Craig Small Batch Bourbon 750ml is a premium small batch whiskey that celebrates Elijah Craig- one of the most revered distillers in the United States. This American craft whiskey has been aged for over 8 years, resulting in a deep amber color and flavor profile highly sought after by bourbon connoisseurs. The whiskey’s smooth, balanced, and oaky taste reveals intense flavors of leather, spice, and tobacco with a richness that sets it apart from other bourbons. Its subtle notes of chocolate and vanillin also make this a treat for any palate. Enjoy splashes of this sophisticated spirit over ice or mix it to create ultra-smooth cocktails. With a proof of 94 and a heritage stretching back to the 19th century, Elijah Craig Small Batch Bourbon is sure to delight and impress.

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