Diaoyutai - Yun Men Jin Cui
Diaoyutai - Yun Men Jin Cui

Diaoyutai - Yun Men Jin Cui

CODE: 856294
Volume: 500ML

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DIAOYUTAI - Yun Men Jin Cui Spirit Baijiu is a delicious, pure and refined Chinese spirit from the Diagouog District of Shanxi Province. This spirit is a must-try for anyone interested in premium Chinese spirits. This baijiu has a complex yet clean aroma, with sweet corn scent and a hint of sweet potato. The spirit is aged in earthenware vessels for a minimum of one year, imparting a mellow, smooth taste. This baijiu is popularly referred to as "The King of Diagouog Baijiu". Yun Men Jin Cui has won several awards, including the Gold Medal in the 2016 China Baijiu Competition and the Silver Medal in the Great Chinghai Baijiu Competition. This baijiu features a high alcohol content, at around 45%. However, it’s well balanced and smooth enough to make it an ideal accompaniment to a meal. DIAOYUTAI - Yun Men Jin Cui Spirit Baijiu is an exquisite spirit full of flavour and complexity.

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